Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I will lift you
up on wings like eagles, angels.
I will carry you above
the turbulent, hateful, evil waters
the world has thrown
at you.
You are the puppet
and I am the master; you stumble
and fall, yet I will always scoop you back up, holding your hand.
I will remove this filth, dirt, tarnish, that
covers your body and mind and soul, so
that you can become clean and pure
White as snow.
Be still My child, and know that I am


I created the earth and the heavens.
I created the hundreds of billions of stars
That smile down upon you in the darkest of nights.
I created the mountains, valleys, rivers, fjords,
Oceans, plains, deltas, rainforests, and the deserts.
I imagined and brought forth every animal that walks this Earth.
I breathed life into you, and made you special and unique.
And guess what?
That came from a God who loves you.


That look of pure… animosity
It flares in his extorting eyes
Incineration from his breath.
Wrapped in the paranoia
From the enmity of your host.
Apocalyptic enigmas
Deteriorate your mind
The Devil sends annihilation
The Basilisk, The Dragon
Stain-glass windows whirl

Dancing to the cheerful music

And without a care.

me me me me me me me me me

I don’t suppose
That the difference
Is all that
Astounding. Cynical, mean-spirited,
Outgoing. They view
Me as those
Things maybe. I
Guess they are
Partly correct but
I view myself
As reserved. I
Never bring my
Deeper emotions out.
I guess I
Am just shy
Like that. But
I do know
That possibly, deep
Deep down, like
Deep deep deep
Down, there is
And amazing amount
Of compassion waiting
To be released.
But then again,
I doubt it.

some poem about how i don't enjoy christianity or religion in general

Christianity is the only religion.
We are the disciples of God.
We creep through the shadows,
Our greedy eyes glistening.
We want more blood,
We want more money,
We want more slaves.
We have sharpened our saintly teeth
To a pinprick’s point,
So that when we all bite into you,
Blood blood blood.
Our soothing voices, our endearing smiles,
Our searing hate, our tar filled hearts,
Our wars, our bloodlust.
We are the disciples of God.
We are here to kill your world.


Am climbing
The mountain, striving
For the summit, for awakening.
Make me pure, through my self,
The self. I will become pure.
Virtue, my birthright and obligation.
I will not fall, I do not fall. I will
Make this count, I will earn this, I
Rise through cracks made jagged by years
Of caked-on pain and hardship. So near, perfection, so near.

doll with a cicada

I am a doll with
A cicada in my hand.
My wife disapproves.


Fun-house mirror;
Distorted by bias,
Warped by the ego.
What is this I see?
But a startling image of me.
Who am I?
Handheld mirror.
Held low, I seem tall.
Held high, I seem small.
Changed in relation,
To preference and station.
Who are you?

this doesn't make any sense either

Hey you
Are you sad
What are you going to do

I heard you got the flu
That you are feeling bad
Hey you

Is there a rock in your shoe
Or is it all a fad
What are you going to do

Are you going to sue
Or will you be glad
Hey you

Are you just a few
Or are you just mad
What are you going to do

A car or house, bought new
Now something barely had
Hey you
What are you going to do?


Inch by agonizing
Inch the nails
Sink deeper into
His hands and
Feet, bounding
Him to the
Cross. Blood
And sweat
Run down
His face from
Their origin, the brow
Of thorns, which pierce
His perfect, flawless skin. Paying
The ultimate price in
Return for our
Salvation and freedom
“It is Finished”

if i had wings

i wish
i had wings. so
that i can fly away from
this place, never come back again. i
would go down south, to florida, so
that i could finally feel the sun beat down
on me. or maybe go across the
pacific ocean, just
to see my re-
flec- tion

this doesn't make any sense

Dogs scribbling dull essays in green
A flawed blank starving boy
Apathy warming the mind with vast
Predictable notions of shouting your
Name out to the sun and the moon
But neither respond because why

I do not respond at all when asked why
The sky is blue and not green
Or why we cannot reach the moon
Or why I am such a dull boy
Now they ask you why your
Sight is frighteningly vast

A mind as miniscule as it is vast
And asking a question as potent as why
And why you take your
Time to turn all the blue to green
And why you turn from man to boy
Whose face is scarred like the moon

I am a pattern of said moon
Whose craters and depths are vast
But boy oh boy
And answer to my why
Would simply tickle me green
And make all the difference in your

Guilt ridden excuse for you
Empty beliefs in the sun and moon
My pastures are much more green
And my caves are much more vast
And there is no why
And there is no how, not here boy

Once things are established, boy
You can begin on your
Great journey to find out why
A terrible cataclysm tore the moon
Right our of the vast
Sky and why it turned it all green

So when asked why by the boy
I say green and leave it at your
Discretion moon, who are so terribly vast.

The Good, the Bad, and THE Kyle

I continue to stare at
the deceptive, grinning
thin necked kid who wears
glasses across the room.

What's that dumb guy
looking at me for? I
should have planned
for this! It's stressing me out.

Look at those two idiots
staring at each other.
Only I know what they are
both really thinking. HAHAHA!!!

Earth's Night Light

I watch
Silently as you denizens sleep,
Resting your heavy eyes, and your tired minds;
Dreams dancing around in your small little heads. My
Sister, Solaris, once told me that I am like a giant nightlight
That God put in The sky. I am like a floodlight that waxes and
Wanes slowly overtime, changing shape, size and position; my own
Personal circadian rhythm. Ohh, hello. Yes, I can see you looking up at
Me, a look of pure awe spreading slowly across you pale while face. I ha
ve always dreamed of what it might be like to look up and beholds someone
as handsome as I. To examine my cracks, wrinkles, mountains and valleys,
All of my facial features that I take great pride in. I am better looking than
Solaris, because unlike her, you can look up at me and still use your eyes
Afterwards. I cast light down upon your dark, silent world. But alas,
My job is never-ending, and perpetual. I am to illuminate the
Darkness that temporarily plagues your world. Do I ever get tired
Ed? Well, of course! I mean, I am a person afterall. Ohh
How I long to go to sleep in the morning when Sola-
Ris comes to relieve me. Then I too will
Go to sleep, if only for a while


Each star, a small
Tiny luminary, the
Hope that I cling to
Which tells me there is
Something far greater than me
Out there waiting
For the day when
We will meet face to face.


Always grinning with a peachy demeanor. His compatriots always glow at his calm peace. This is the hallmark of his golden job.


The screeching sound makes me vomit as the ugly, uneducated piece if garbage plays the terrible instrument. The redneck scrunches down while he chaws the slimy sardines.

life at the zoo

A zebra smells his
Cause it smells like a
Donkey, that eats the
Elephants peanuts.that makes the elephant
Frustrated, but the
Giraffe tries to make the elephant
it does not work.
just then the
kangaroo tries to
leap over the
moon, but he
never makes it
over. when the
panda bear
quitswatching, she
runs to the
starting place
to win the
ulitimate race;
victory is hers!
what ever you do dont let the
xylophone make a sound or it will make you
yell for the